
A Legend is Born (maybe)

Well, the boy is here. Chase Aaron Moulton was born on Friday, 19 2008 at 12:28 pm. Although being 3 weeks early, he still weighed in at 6 lb 12 oz. He was 20" long, including orangatang toes!

The plan was for Lauren to be induced on Friday morning. The wee-man could not wait any longer, and Lauren's water broke on Thursday night. As a result, Lauren and I ended up at the hospital 8 hours early. Labor was in full gear by midnight; hard contractions, etc. By 2:00 am the contractions were proving to be less than fruitful. Thus, we were left to wait until the original morning check-in time to induce Lauren. At noon, labor kicked in for real. A hard fought 30 minutes later, the latest edition to our family was thrust forth!

You can see from the pictures here, he is really cute (in a miniture kind of way). He has brownish hair and brows. His chest and back hair are as yet undistiguished, but his belly-button already has a quality depth to it. He has awesome little feet and hands. As far as who he looks like; some say Lauren for sure, others say its a boy version of Emma, a few believe he is Moulton all the way. You can decide for yourself. But, I challenge you not to look at him with his skrunchy little face and see Vizzini from The Princess Bride...inconceivable! No, really, look at him!

It is Monday the 22nd and we are home. Lauren is doing well despite the tough time that she had. She really is tough...I'm serious. Chase is settling in well; learning how to fight for attention with his two high-maintenance sisters, two dopey dogs that act like two high-maintenance sisters and a panther-like black cat that could give a crap about everyone else. Chase's father and mother are humbly going about providing a happy life for all of the above.

Chase has reached his first great achievement. It's quite unbelievable. We've got him scheduled to join Arsenal's Youth-Gunner Football Academy (soccer) in London. So we've decided to give him this week to recover from a tough birth, then we will begin the preperation and training necessary to send him to the North London Football club at age 10! Its my understanding, that Arsenal's lengendary manager Arsene Wenger, has envisioned him in the team's 2024 midfield with David Beckham's boys - Romeo and Cruz. But I'm getting ahead of myself. I just want him to be happy. Elle and Emma are still a bit upset that I chose Arsenal's offer for Chase's services rather than the offer from Ballet West in Salt Lake to dance in their upcoming version of Thor, Hammer of the Gods ( its a love story...bleh).

We will continue to update as life goes on.



Christy said...

After 2 girls of my own and then 2 boys, I 've decided that having a boy after having girls is the best way to go! Glad that you could follow my lead (Haha!). He is a cutie, and oh-boy do your girls look like proud sisters! Aundrea was excited to learn that Elle is now 'also' a big sister to a little brother. One more reason to love her to death! Congratulations again!

Christie said...

Congrats Lauren & family! We like boys so much we're having a 3rd one in January. Glad to hear that the little guy arrived safe and sound!

The Days of JoDee's life said...

I'm so excited for you guys! I can't believe how GORGEOUS your girls are! (well, I CAN... they have gorgeous parents!!). They are so grown up and that boy is going to be a handsome dude... That is NOT inconceiveable!!! :)

Brooke said...

Oh yea! I have had you guys on my mind and sooooo wondering what ended up happening with the induction. Glad it all went well....I am sure Lauren will have some more details to give when we chat next. :) Love you guys and congrats! Boys Rule! Well, and so do dancing girls!

Kristy said...

Congrats Lauren and fam!!! He is very handsome and I am sure destined for great things! (in soccer of course) Good work Lauren..it is work getting them here. Keep in touch!